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1975 Foundation of HAN Anlagenbau as one-man business in Thal near Graz, 3 employees
1976 First change of location to Graz, Göstingerstr. 148, 13 employees
1980 Second change of location to Viktor-Franz-Straße 9, 35 employees
1988 Change of location to our newly constructed building at Exerzierplatzstr. 85, 60 employees
1992 Formation of the present company HAN Anlagenbau GmbH
1996 Quality Management System certification according to EN ISO 9001
2001 Addition of an office center
2002 Company founder Mr. Wolfgang Hansmann retires and hands the company over to his son Wolfgang Hansmann jr.
2003 The power station Gösting was added to the Guinness Book of Records with the help of HAN Anlagenbau: "Longest extension cable in the world"
2011 HAN Anlagenbau becomes a PRISMA PLUS System - Partner of Schneider Electric